There are two types of people in this world. Those that care too much and those who do not care enough"
"One person with commitment accomplishes more than a thousand people with an opinion"
Orin Woodward
The Difference One Person Can Make

"There' s a tiny person on that speck that needs my help"
"A person's a person no matter how small"

"You meet thousands of people, and none of them really touch you.And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever"
"To Fight for the Right, Without Question or Pause, To be Willing to March into Hell For
A Heavenly Cause"
Tiananmen Square Man
As The Chinese army moved tanks into Bejking to put down democracy demonstrations, a single man walked into the street bringing the column pof tanks to a halt and inspiring millions with his bravery and the demonstration of the power of one person.
Nelson Mandala
After struggling for decades against oppression and racism including long periods in prison, Mandala set aside hatred and any desire for revenge to work for a transition to democratic rule in that nation.

Father Hugh O'Flaherty
Freddie Steinmark
Working out of the Vatican, this simple Catholic priest organized and oversaw efforts that saved several thousand during the Nazi occupation of Rome during WWII. His Christian faith and actions ultimately resulted in the German Head of The Gestapo in Rome converting to the Catholic faith while in prison for his war crimes.

A man of character, integrity, courage, and faith, Freddie inspired his teammates and those who knew him with his dedication and committment. His career on the Texas Longhorns Football Team and ultimately his life was cut short by cancer.

Saint Theresa of Calcutter
"Mother Theresa"

Martin Luther King Jr.
King Juan Carlos of Spain
On April 14, 1931 King Alfonso XIII of Spain went into exile and Spain became a Republic. The Republic, Spain's second polarized the country adopted anti religious policies, and plunged the country into a violent civil war from which Spain in 1939 emereged as a dictatorship under General Franco. A monarchist at hear, Franco designated the grandson of Alfonso XiIIIas his successor with the future title of King 9intending for Juan Carlos to continue the policies of Franco's "movement".
In 1975 Franco passed awy and Juan Carlos now proclaimed king set about transforming Spain into a multiparty parliamentary democracy. In 1978, a new Constitution established a democratic society which was tested a few years later when a military coup was attempted. King Juan Carlos used his position as Commander in Chief to take command of the military freeing the nations political leaders, member of congress, and heads of political parties of of which had been captured by the coup participants. During the 35 plus years of kis Kingship, Juan Carlos worked to reinforce the stability of Spain's democratic society. O
Once again showing that his love of nation preceeeded any personal interests or ambitions, King Juan Carlos abdicated aso as to permit his well trained son, Felipe to accend the throne and turn over the nation to a new younger generation. Juan Carlos, Spain's Transition King is already recognized as one of Spain's greatest monarchs of the past 500 years.

"Franco and Juan Carlos"
"The Life of A King"

Michi Nishiura Weglyn
On April 24, 1942 Eight Liberty High School Students were interrned with their families as part of a US Government Forced relocation program for Japanese Americans. While At lIberty, Michi received a citizenship award from the American Legion. After spending the duration of World War II at the Gila River Internment Camp in Arizona with her family. In the years thereafter, Michi suffered periods of prolonged illness which prevented her from grraduating from college. In 1950 she married in New York Walter Weglyn, A german Jewish survivor of the holocaust. Duri ng the 1950s and 60s she had a successful career as a theatrical costume designer which included working for the Perry Como Show. In the 1960s Michi also began working on her book, Years of Infamy. She subsequently became an advocate for those seeking redress for the World War II internment. She also shed light on a US program during World War II to seize Japanese in Peru who were held hostage during the World War. as part of an exchange program. Prior to her death in 1999, Michi received honorary degrees from several colleges and universities. Michi's life story was the inspiration and subject of a documentary film in 2010 by the Tribeca Film Institute.