
2005 First Year at LHS
In Feb 2017, 110 Magazine wrote an article after interviewing me. While I did not write this article it does reflect many of my beliefs with regards to teaching.

Lopez Gallery

2007-08 with "Pool Hair"
Mr. Manuel Lopez
Mr. Lopez holds dual citizenship in the United States and Spain. Prior to coming to the United States, Mr. Lopez's family lived in Alhama de Almeria, Spain. His family has been living in Alhama since 1575.
Mr. Lopez was born in Brooklyn, NY. He grew up and was educated in Queens, NY. Mr. Lopez received his BA from the State University of New York ("SUNY"), College at New Paltz where he studied Business Administration, Economics, International Relations, and Political Science. Mr. Lopez also received a Series 7 Securities License and he has three teaching credentials from the States of New York and California.
Mr. Lopez has both general business experience and experience as an entrepreneur. For several years, Mr. Lopez worked for a corporation in New York City. Mr. Lopez has also started several businesses including both a computer company in La Jolla, CA and an internet company that he subsequently took public.
Mr. Lopez has taught both in California and New York. Most recently Mr. Lopez taught Economics, English, History, and Math at De La Salle High School from 2000 to 2005. Mr. Lopez was also an advisor to the De La Salle High School Academic Decathalon, Economic Leadership, Model UN, and Ski Clubs.
Since 2005, Mr. Lopez has been principally teaching Economics and Government at Liberty High School including AP in both of these subject. He was also the advisor to the Debate and Model UN teams for twelve years
Mr. Lopez has two children. He has a daughter, Kristen who lives in California, and a son, Nicholas who graduated with both BA and Masters Degrees from Arizona State University.

"Not Afraid to Wear Blue When Everyone is Wearing Red"